Coming Out as Transgender to Parents, Friends, and Family
Coming out as a transsexual to parents

“Proud” by Diana Denisova.
Parents! It seems to be the biggest roadblock for FTMs in the process of coming out as transgender, yet it is a necessary part of the process for FTMs who decide to transition. Almost all FTMs under 30 who email us mention the added stress of having to come out as transgender to their parents and family. I have spoken with guys from around the world–some whose parents have been wholly supportive since day one, and others who fear that they will be forever banished from the family. Honestly, whether parents like these issues or not–they still seem to have some deep witted understanding of it. Face it, they have seen you grow up and struggle with these issues for years.
The best advice about coming out as transgender to your parents is to be up-front with them: This the situation and these are my plans, and this is how it transitioning will help me. Period. Parents can argue all they want, but the more you lay down the law on what needs to be done–the less they feel the fight is worth arguing over. Get a plan together and go for it. Also, if you are still a financial dependent, consider whether or not they will cut the money supply.
You are the best gauge of your parents–it is only you who knows how to best go about the situation because you have had years to feel them out.