Tips and tricks about shaving when you begin to grow facial hair

Learning how to shave before you begin testosterone can be good practice for when facial hair begins to develop after beginning hormones.
Trimmed accents of facial hair can increase the appearance of a more squared jawline, which may result in a more masculine appearance. Stem cells are responsible for hair production.
Will shaving cause my hair to grow back in thicker?
No. Shaving does not cause hair to grow back in thicker or darker. After shaving, new hair growth has an initially coarser touch than it had prior to shaving. This initial coarseness can be attributed to:
- Hairs that are shaved are cut by the razor at an angle. Much like fresh cut grass is coarse after mowing, so is shaved facial hair. However, after a period of time, both the grass and the hair become softer as it grows.
- The re-emerging hair growth that emerges within a day or two after shaving is more perpendicular to the skin. At that stage, the hair is too short to develop a natural curve, which will cause it to feel softer when you run your fingers along it.
- The hair has not been exposed to dirt and other environmental factors that cause the stems to break down and deteriorate. Our hair is constantly exposed to elements that can damage it. Even a normal daily activity such as resting your head on a pillow as you sleep, causes the cells in the hair to flake off. Over time, the hair becomes softer to the touch.

A diagram of epidermal hair follicle development, as affected by the thickness of the epidermal layers in human skin. Licensed for distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution Share License.
Don’t let peach fuzz give you away
Unlike women, men do not have light peach fuzz on their bodies. Instead, men have more developed hair follicles. The developed hair follicles are thicker, darker, and coarser than the soft peach fuzz that fair-skinned women have.
Peach fuzz is more visible in natural light. This means that it may not be visible to when looking at yourself in the mirror, but it may be visible to others when outside in natural sunlight. Go ahead and shave this off.Arms are also a place of concern for the peach fuzz–guess what–if its there, get rid of it. One guy on the net said to dye your arm hair with hair dye…this seems a bit extreme and is probably not very beneficial. Someone get back to me if this is semi-realistic (and send a pic!).