Male Mannerisms and Posture

Study Aid by Mika Darling. Used with Permission.
Appearing male isn’t just about physical appearance. There’s a social aspect to it too.
- Girls tend to cross their legs more often than guys. It is ok to cross your legs but watch out for your foot. Many girls tend to tap their foot in the air when their legs are crossed, and this might not be helpful for the femme-looking guy.
- Men have a firmer grip when shaking hands. (Apparently my light grip gave me away to a few guys)
- Men slouch more than females, although a strong posture is associated with dominance
- Guys don't move their bodies forward as much when in conversation, they often keep a very laid back and semi-interested look because they don't show as much enthusiasm as females--don't overdo this because then you'll just be taken as an asshole
- Watch your hands. Most guys don't hold their crotch all the time.
- Men also keep their fingernails very short in comparison with women. Clipped fingernails will square of the tips of your fingers. Most genetic females have small, thin fingers verses males who tend to have thicker fingers.
- Men don't smile with their mouth open as often like women do
- Men use navigational terms such as North, South, East, and West more often than women do
- Males have bushier eyebrows. Don't throw away you tweezers yet because even though guys wear them bushy, it is never pleasant to look at a forest. Keep the stray ones cleaned up, but avoid making them too narrow. Men's electric grooming kits often contain a small attachment that can be used to trim the eyebrows.
- Avoid trying to deepen your voice too much when conversing face-t0-face with others. It's one thing to try to avoid hitting high pitches, but when guys try to force deepen their voice it is pretty noticeable.
Many FtM’s arms are very feminine because of their size and this can be a problem when wearing short sleeves. One trick is to cross your arms and twist them in toward yourself; this shows a definite line between the muscle and the fat on your arm and it adds to masculinity.
Also, shirts with shorter arms, (this is for the smaller guy, like me) can up masculinity if you have a noticeable bicep development. This is because shirts that accentuate your muscles will increase your masculine appearance.