Donate to began in December 2003 as an online resource to help female to male transsexuals around the world. At the time it was called As the information on TrannyBoi developed, become one of the most referenced resources on the web for FTMs to learn about transition and the effects of testosterone on the body. However, due to personal circumstances in 2007, TrannyBoi had to be removed for personal circumstances. Unfortunately, most of the information that I had collected over the years was lost.
In September 2012, TrannyBoi was re-launched as The resources and information are being completely and thoroughly updated. At this time, it is my personal goal to continue developing the website. As a matter of fact, the URL has been secured for 10 years.
The donations that were collected for TrannyBoi were never used for personal transition expenses. Instead, every donation was used to create brochures, to pay for web hosting, and to print business cards for promoting the site at local GLBT events.
I look forward to supporting the transgender community in the future and re-initiating the community involvement of All current donations will be used to pay for site maintenance, to promote the site, and to develop education materials for distribution.
2 Years Domain Registration + 1 year Web Hosting: $123.95
Extended 8 year domain registration: $64.05
Website theme: $45.00
Unlimited Pro forms account (for submitting surgeons, doctors, photos, etc): $117.00
CSS3 Button Maker: $10.00
Licence for navigation menu: $16